I'm so excited for Anjuli to share this amazing recipe for roasted tomato sauce with us today... this secret ingredient technique has my mind spinning, I CANNOT wait to try it! Take it away, Anjuli! - GeorgiaThis year my tomato patch and I have had a very love/hate relationship. It is mid October and, while…
Our contributor Anjuli is back with another delicious recipe!
The moment the temperature drops below 70 degrees in September, even if it's only for a day or two, my kitchen turns into a mad scientist's playground. That is how these home ground, Italian style venison meatballs or, as a friendly taste tester dubbed them - 'meat…
It's that time of year when the days are growing a little cooler and hunting season is kicking off. Before you end up overwhelmed with beautiful freshly harvested venison and other goodies, here is how you can get extra points for making the juiciest burgers and tastiest meatballs all year long - by learning how…
One of my FAVORITE things about my garden this year is how we trellised the raised bed gardens. Not only is it a great visual, it is very practical and easy to install. We're going to talk about why trellis systems are a great idea and walk you through how to build one using an…
Now that you’ve learned how to build your own raised beds, here’s how to turn your raised bed into a greenhouse! Creating a semi-permanent greenhouse can increase your garden yield and stretch your growing season a few more precious weeks. The best part of these is, once summer heats up and your plants are well…
Editor's note: You may remember Anjuli from when she shared her major #pioneerskills and taught us how to make bread out of a beer can. This time she is back to teach us all How to Make Bone Broth. Bone broth is basically pure magic, and very welcomed this time of year. We are so excited to share with all…
Editor's note: Anjuli is the latest contributor and is truly a lady that lives out her pioneer dreams! She is a natural storyteller with many exciting tales to share and a wealth of #pioneerskills we all can learn from. We are super excited to share her first post about making a beer can oven, really how…