Dove hunting starts a little later than most hunts. 5:30 am to be exact.
It’s a social affair… a cooler full of beverages, talking, laughing, dogs running around in circles. And some good ear plugs.
It takes place in the fields not the woods. The doves come down at sunrise to feed on the corn, sunflower seeds and wheat.
And we wait.
And wait…
Entertain the impatient dogs…
March around the corn fields…
Smile pretty for the game warden patrolling and checking licences… have a mild panic attack when I realize I left mine in the truck…
My hunting partner Marshall tells me to keep cool… he also says he doesn’t shoot over the soybeans because he’s the same height and will get lost in there trying to find his dove…
I eat soybeans for breakfast while I wait… I try not to drink beer before sunrise…
A dove! Freddie Black ducks… BANG!
No dove. Some more waiting… and cigar smoking.
Buddy the lab is getting a bit bored with us…