Okinawa is not like the rest of the Japanese islands. From the rich sea life, exotic vibe, and incredible foods, it is a bucket list destination, especially when you want to escape to warmer climate in the winter. Hop over to our Adventure Getaways Travel Itineraries and see what you should do in Okinawa, Japan. An share a comment if we missed any of your favorite places in Okinawa!
Georgia Pellegrini
About Author
Growing up on her family’s farm in upstate New York, Georgia developed a passion for simple farm-to table food and a deep connection to the outdoors. Having worked in the finance world after college, she decided to leave her cubicle and reconnect with her roots. After graduating from the French Culinary Institute, she began working in Michelin restaurants in New York and France, and soon started leading her renowned Adventure Getaways: excursions around the country aimed at promoting “manual literacy” and helping participants step outside of their comfort zone and experience life more viscerally. Georgia is a firm believer in empowering people to be self-sufficient, identify personal strengths and pursue their life passions.