I did it. I made homemade English Muffins. I can stop cooking now, my life’s task is complete.
The best part? The recipe uses a skillet… my best friend, my savior, my no-wash skillet. God’s antidote to dirty dishes I say.
They are full of nooks and crannies that would make Thomas proud.
You can check out the full step-by-step recipe here at a fun place that I’m writing for, Tasty Kitchen. Enjoy!
Michael Zawaki
I Live to cook and eat, but I was always afraid of ANY baking. I do not usually do well with measuring/weighing exact amts. I am of the "if it tastes good throw some in" school of thought.
You lit my fuse When you posted your pretzel recipe though. I HAD to try, and they were FANTASTIC! Maybe not as pretty as yours but Yummy! I look forward to pushing the envelope by trying these.
Oh yay. I have always held a deep seeded fear of baking too. I've overcome it since culinary school but I promise not to serve up any complicated baking recipes here ; )
Michael Zawaki
Yeah, I thought being A cook in the Army would help….Turns out they don't teach you A whole lot of baking. Go figure!(^_^) Anyway I love the stuff you put up, and and as A hunter and fisherman it is refreshing to see your take on things. Keep up the Great work.
This looks absolutely delicious! Great post!
Cool recipe! I will try it soon.