The first day of spring just passed which means acuppula things.
1. Turkey season has arrived.
2. I’m preparing a turkey brine for that elusive ol’ gobbler that is in my future.
3. I have a new friend.
4. I have a new friend.
The timing of this couldn’t be more perfect because I really do need more friends. I officially declared a center-cut pork chop as my new best friend yesterday, which in retrospect is slightly concerning.
My new friend is a “red head.”
Her initials are CZ.
She’s got really nice curves if I say so myself. Not that I normally comment on my friends’ curves.
Except for that center-cut pork chop. It had juicy thick curves.
She also has nice double barrels.
A slick stock.
Good ornate details.
A tight trigger.
I like over unders. I have a weakness for them. I don’t know why by my theory is that it’s because I like to pretend I live in an estate in Devonshire with a circular driveway made of pebbles that crunch like a good lettuce under my feet, and three bloodhounds, and a butler named Giles, and a kitchen with many copper pots, and a dining room that always smells like stuffed partridge because I’m always bringing home partridge and pheasant and woodcock and quail and those sorts of things for dinner.
This is what I sit up at night thinking about.
The smell of stuffed roasted partridge and knee-high socks.
Just in case you were wondering what I’ll be thinking about tonight. Now you don’t have to wonder.
What’s your favorite method of hunting turkey meat?
And where will you be hunting it this year?
And on another totally unrelated note (expcept this also has to do with bird meat), by popular request, I have posted the recipe for Hell’s Chicken Wings for ya, not to be confused with Hells Chicken, but to be confused with psychadelic dreams.
Peter Gabriel
She's a beauty.
Ray J
Very nice. That elusive ol' gobbler won't know what hit him…good luck! I will be chasing him in the woods behind my house but, not until May when the season opens here in NY. I heard them gobbling early Tues and Wed morning this week as I was leaving for work! I've got a friend named Giles, I'll see if he wants the job:) Pip pip, cheerio and all that rot!
Oh that is hawt.
Bill Gray
Beautiful, sleek, but oh so deadly. Even if you lose that tell tale snood Tom, betcha she's gonna getcha.
Mike S.
An over under is a work of art as much as it is a tool. I desperately want one, but I'll have to force myself to wait until the economy is on a little more solid footing. Then, a Citori will be mine. Although I should see how much this CZ costs – its beautiful too.
Hi Mike! I agree with you on over unders… they look so nice just perched in the corner of the living room. The reason I got a CZ was because they were the most affordable while still beautiful. Someone recommended it to me and I looked at their website and they were the best bang for the buck I had seen. Pun intended : )
Dan Dupree
Georgia, Joined your Facebook page. Hope you get that Browning. Your CZ will be ok for a while. Dan
If you want to buy me a Browning I won't protest!
Dan Dupree
hahahahahaha, I would gladly take you sporting clay shooting though, at Sage Hill Clay Sports if you happened to be in Reno one day.
Okay, only if you bring a Browning for me to use.
Dan Dupree
I have one, and the club has many loners to use also!
dale cosi
Hi Georgia, just discovered this site and am enjoying all the recipes. I remember the day my father presented me with my good friend the Browning Lightning and the next day making a perfect wingshot on a beautiful pheasant. Those are great memories hope your new friend will bring the same.
Thanks Dale : ) Nice to meet you here, come back soon.
Very fancy gun!! And I thought my 20 gauge was the height of elegance. Turns out, not even close! (Insert mild envy here).