Gosh, I sure loved reading all of your wonderful resolutions. They were inspiring.
The winner of Nicole’s wonderful book izzzzz…..(generated by Random.org) #8! Sofya Hundt “Gosh, shoot another deer! Didn’t get any last season.”
Congrats Sofya! Email me to claim your loot!
I think it is important to start the New Year off right — with a giveaway!
I know a very talented photographer named Nicole. Her photographs grace the pages of magazines across the country. She teaches classes across the world.
Whether you have a product that you want to sell and need to photograph it beautifully, or simply want to be a great photographer, she teaches you how.
She recently started teaching those classes online and began publishing textbooks as well so that those who can’t take her classes in person can still learn her jewels of wisdom. I read her photo 101 book on a plane ride over the holiday and was inspired to be a better photographer in 2011.
And so today, so that you can be an inspired photographer in 2011, I’m giving away a copy of her book: Photo 101.
You can learn about and sign up for her online classes here. There are even classes in Photoshop and Illustrator available if you need to brush up on those skills as well. And this book will definitely get your juices flowing. To see some of her beautiful work, you can check out her blog A Little Sussy, where she posts tid bits from her latest photo shoots and other great finds. You’ll love it.
Simply leave a comment telling me what you are inspired to do in the New Year, and you are automatically entered to win!
Winner will be announced Wednesday at 5pm PST. Happy New Year!
I want to spend more time outside in 2011, hiking, biking, wandering around, and taking photos!
Georgia, please sign me up for this giveaway. Thanks so much for sharing Nicole, her book & blog with us. She is amazingly talented. This year I have my sights set on sharpening all aspects of my photography! xo
Take more photos and hone my skills with food and especially outdoors with my kids.
Big Steve
I want to get really organized and stop putting things off until tomorrow so much. I also really want to…..wait. Sorry, maybe I can finish this later. Tomorrow perhaps. Hope it will still count though. (Be Blessed!!!) –Big Steve
Al Quackenbush
I am inspired to get out and shoot more nature and wildlife shots. 2011 is going to be great!
This is for my daughter Leah, who for better or worse is following in her dad's footsteps – she wants to photograph everything…
One of my goals is to improve my photography and photoshop skills so this would be perfect! Happy New Year!
Sofya Hundt
Gosh, shoot another deer! Didn't get any last season.
I'm inspired to quit smoking for good:D
I have resolved to be more patient and kind each day. Happy 2011!
I feel inspired by simplicity and spontaneity. I'm consciously allowing simplicity & spontaneity to express themselves through me in both new and unexpected ways this year. Exploring simplicity through photography is a beautiful part of this intention 🙂
Create. Educate. Simplify.
Cookie and Kate
I am inspired to simplify my life and make time for the hobbies I enjoy most: photography, reading and writing!
Scott C
I'm inspired to learn how to take great photos with the DSLR I just bought, so I can be ready when our baby girl arrives. I'm also feeling inspired to focus more on my long-term goals.
I really want to refresh/relearn my photography skills – 12 years after earning a degree in Photography and then working instead as a graphic designer, I'm a little rusty. And I need to be ready so I can photography my new baby this spring!
wishful nals
such a great giveaway! i've been a fan of nicole's for a long time. one of my resolutions this year is to actually take more photos and develop them and put them in albums!
I learned a great deal from one of Nicole's classes a couple months ago for pattern making. I would love to freshen up my photography skills. I took a photography class a few years ago when I was in school for graphic design. There is still so much for me to learn!
I want to solidify my hobby as a career (a little photography could really help)!
This year I really want to learn to use all the features on my camera. I have been wanting this book for a while. It would be awesome to win it. 🙂 Happy New Year!
lucy s.
i'm inspired to practice more yoga and be good to my body.
I'm inspired to be more patient with my loved ones and be a better communicator within my career. I'm also inspired to manipulate my new Canon Rebel T2i in the best possible way by taking some of Nicole's classes! ..And hang my lovely photos of the kids and family all over to remind myself how lucky I am. 🙂
Elizabeth L
I'm inspired to take better pictures this year…and this book would surely help!
I want to take more time to relax, and try not to get so caught up in the chaos of life!
this year my big goal is to learn to speak spanish! i am getting super excited about it!
also, i would love love this book! i really wanted it this year, but santa didn't bring it to me… just saying.
i want to take more chances this year. 🙂
Jenn L
This year it's to be able to run (not walk!) a 5k race, learn Italian, and complain less to my husband.
I am trying to say only positive things this year (notice I didn't say, "I'm going to stop saying negative things"– I'm getting better already!)
Brittany Austin
I want to live healthfully and take some leaps of faith. I'm excited to see what 2011 brings.
Hi I found your blog via Nicole's.
I am inspired to spend more of time doing something worthwhile. Usually I waste too much time watching TV or on the computer.
be better at staying organized with my taxes! woo-ee!
I've started a daily journal for my little girl and I want to keep it up all year. She's my first and probably the only child I will be able to do that for!
Read books! Hopefully these will be some of them.
I want to sew my first quilt this year 🙂 Yay!
i am inspired to pick up the pots & pans and learn to cook one new yummy-healthy dish each week!
Amanda R.
I'm inspired to spend less time on the internet and more time reading to my daughter.
I would really learn how to use my nice camera that my husband bought me for Christmas. Hope I win!
More long walks in the snow whilst I still live in snowy climes. Everything's so magical this time of year, I don't want to miss it!
Paul Jewkes
I want to start a creative project and actually finish it. A masterpiece (even if in my own mind only) if you will…
i want to "go" more. take more chances, take more pictures, & not hold back
I want to focus more on finishing school – like before the year end. It can be done.
I'm inspired to be the best mom I can be to my girls. That means really listening instead of umhmm-ing, breathing more and yelling less, making lots of memories and taking lots of pictures of said memories!
Jane L.
I'm inspired to focus on finding wisdom and beauty this year in all things!
I would like to be more intentional…about all things good in my life! 🙂
I am inspired to spend more time with family. I had been out of work for most of 2010 and was pounding the pavement hard to provide for my family and find a full-time job. Luckily I found one, just now need to spend time with those that supported me.
whitney Baldwin
I plan to better my photo quality and find my perfect exposure!
de-clutter my life!
I want to turn my passion for photography into my profession!
alexis riley
I want to take time to smell the roses. Life's gotten too crazy and I'm realizing the rewards are not
all that great if you can't take time to enjoy them.
Simplify, simplify, simplify!! And put more focus on the relationship in my life. Hoping I win!!
I am inspired to learn more about good nutrition for my family, be an awesome Mom to my 5 month old baby girl and wife to my hubby, and to capture beautiful memories of our family together.
Karen G
I'm inspried to make the most of every moment with my baby and to use time wisely!
eat less butter and more fruit!
Read more. Curse less. Go to culinary school.
I want to practice more yoga and have more time to improve my photography skills. 🙂
This year I feel inspired to better manage my time!
Nicole is so great! This year I am inspired to do something I love and get paid for it! I quit my job in December and am so excited to take up new opportunities this year!
I want (NEED) to become more organized!!
This year I want to try and be a little better every day. I know that sounds silly and monumental but I mean do it in the small ways- pick water over a soda, pick patients over flipping out over another spilled drink, pick smile over cursing the driver in front of me. Maybe it'll only be one thing a day, maybe on better days it will be more. I think it could snowball and become something wonderful.
I'm inspired to spend more time doing creative things this year!
i'm inspired to take more photos documenting our life and to spend more playtime with my little girl 🙂
I am inspired to simplify my life by getting rid of useless clutter. I want to spend more time playing and less time cleaning up my junk!
Alena k
I want to be a little more aware of everything around me! 🙂
I really want to something I love and make it into a career!
I am going to focus this year on taking more pictures, and getting back in the kitchen.
Ashley Webb
My goal for this year is to win this book!! 🙂 Just kidding – I want to learn calligraphy, make a book about my grandparents, learn how to play the guitar, and stop biting my nails!
I want to be better about keeping a clean and orderly house.
Less work, more enjoying life!
Sleep through the night!! I had a babe in 2010 and it hasn't happened for a while.
i'm inspired to focus more on my photography and personal happiness in 2011… and maybe teach myself to play guitar! 🙂
Tiffany Zito
This year I am inspired to savor my children each day, and to love them like nobody else can.
For 2011 I resolved to do a 365 Day Photo Challenge. Each day take a new picture as way to expand and lean more about photography. You can see more at http://lifeoutside101.posterous.com/resolution-20… and my pictures at http://www.facebook.com/LifeOutside
This year, I want to get up to date (and keep it up) on my scrapbooks!
Hannah T
I am inspired to keep a better record of my children growing up. There is already so much that is forgotten. I want to remember as much as possible about the way they are right now. That and get organized. I think they could go hand in hand quite nicely.
I'm going to have a baby and take pictures of her. (something i will accomplish no matter what!)
oh man, this is an awesome giveaway.
my mail goal for this year is to get my little girl potty trained 🙂 i could be in for it. hopefully all goes smooth.
To be the bomb!
Margo K
I plan on spending my time on things I'm passionate about, such as time with family, gardening, trying new recipes, traveling, photography etc. Whew, I'm gonna be busy!
I'd love to start writing meaningful letters. Like with pen and paper. Sent through snail mail.
I need to declutter. But first, just one more book. Nicole's Photo 101 book, to be exact.
This year I am going to be less hard on myself…sure there is room for improvment but I'm good enough!
I will be more patient with everyone and read more with my children.
I'm inspired to live a simpler life – focusing more on the things that matter most! Family, friends etc. I'd also like to challenge myself to learn new skills…Photography, Sewing etc. I'm looking forward to the New Year!
I'm inspired to live by this quote – If you want to be happy, be.
Happy New Year!
I think it is time for a career change! So, 2011, I'm going to do something new!
Recycle more. Every little bit makes a difference and I know I could do more…..2011 is the year.
This year my resolution is to plan ahead. I'm hoping being prepared and more organized will have a nice little snowball effect that will make the rest of my life feel more controlled and a little less chaotic.
I want to start hunting again, since I've been on hiatus since moving to California.
I am inspired to take risks and try new things with my photography while I'm still going to school this year to figure out my essential "look"
Jessie Evans
This year I want to cook more and eat out less.
emily k.
I received a new dslr camera for Christmas so I am looking forward to learning even more about taking better pictures.
I want to find more opportunities to give this year!
Yesterday I registered for some fitness classes with my husband. We plan to get into better shape as well as try one new recipe a week.
I'm inspired to be more organized!
This book looks amazing! This year I'm trying to be a happier more positive person.
katie d
For the new year, I am inspired to learn to love myself more. I had grown uncomfortable in my own skin and would often hide myself behind big shirts, jackets, etc, when, towards the end of December, surrounded by friends and family, I realized that they love me for who I am, not what I look like. I liked going around shooting with my camera because I didn't have to focus on myself, I instead poured all my brain waves into getting that perfect shot. I ended up winning a couple of contests with my photographs, and I think that also helped break me out of my shell.. I can be who I want to be! One of the photographs was even a self-portrait! I suppose this comment doesn't make too much sense with being so jumbled, but it'd be great to pick up some new tips for photographing since it's break right now and I've got a bit of time on my hands.. if I could shoot people the way Nicole does, that'd be amazing!
I am actually inspired to take more photos! It was an aspect of travel that I was not the interested in terms of my blogging, but I am finding that I am enjoying it more and more and would like to do it better.
Pick me, pick me! My resolution is to floss everyday! 🙂
Heather T
My top goal for the New Year is to eat more vegetables, and especially try lots of different ones I've never tried before. I've already started with Kale, and I was pleasantly suprised;)
Tricia Dillon
LIVE! I am going to live every day, not as if it were the last , but the first. I want to see the world the way a child sees the world. New and exciting things will happen.
Roberta Smith
I would like to work out more (and finally lose my baby weight from my 19 month old!). I would also love the chance to win Nicole's book and increase my photography skills so that I can have better pictures of my kids to help me remember them at this stage.
I want to be trilingual by the end of the year, be more active, cook more and explore my creativity!
I would LOVE to win this!
This year I am hoping to learn a new language! Hopefully Italain!
According to my son, I need to be "nicer mom". Gee, thanks kiddo! I guess I'll never ask him to do anything and stuff his face with candy, that would be his version anyway!
I'd like to just be happy. Who doesn't want to do that? 🙂 So, I'll be doing more things that make me and the others around me happy, and looking forward to those things.
I am inspired this year to learn everything I can about my soon-to-be Nikon D90 and photography in general.
I am inspired to learn how to use my new camera I got for Christmas and to enjoy the time i spend with others more!
I am inspired to open a business. 🙂
April T.
This year I'm inspired to have an adventure!