I like all things pickled. Pickled peppers, pickled ramps, pickled… things.
Sorry. I’m not feeling very eloquent today. I just read a lot of legal jargon and it fried my brain and my eyes are blurry. I can barely see this screen. I’m waiting for things to return to normal… which isn’t necessarily eloquent either, but at least there’s a sliver of a chance.
I had fried pickles the other day. If you ever find yourself near a fried pickle I’m warning you now, that moderation isn’t an option. So if you don’t want to eat one hundred of them, don’t even eat one. Consider yourself warned by yours truly.
Then recently I heard about pickled eggs. Pickled red beet eggs to be exact. So I had a little experiment in the kitchen and I liked the results. You might too:
Peel and chop a red beet into small pieces.
Cook the pieces in water, covered, until fork tender.
Meanwhile, gather your pickling ingredients: crushed garlic, sliced onions, cider vinegar, sugar, salt, mustard seed. As you know I encourage experimentation with your ingredients so swap things in here for other flavors that suit your fancy.
When your beets are fork tender you are going to place them in a glass jar along with some hard boiled eggs….
Like so… then you’ll alternate with your onions, more beets, and more eggs.
Meanwhile, you’ll add the pickling ingredients to your beet cooking liquid and bring it up to a simmer. Give it a quick stir and make sure the sugar and salt are dissolved.
Then you’ll pour it onto the ingredients in your jar…
Pretty, eh?
Let them sit in the refrigerator covered for one week and then serve…
Then you can add them to a salad for a little intrigue. Because let’s be honest, some days you need a little intrigue.
“Pickled Red Beet Eggs”
Richard L
I LOVE this! Salad intrigue is exactly right.
The beets and onions end up being useful too for a salad!
I just found your site through Tasty Kitchen and I'm loving it! I totally agree, fried pickles are addicting. There's a secret about them too: the Sonic will make them for you but they are not on the menu. I hope you live in a place with a Sonic drive-in.
I think we're a lot alike…I have a shotgun under my bed and a fridge full of Rose 😉
Wow, why haven't we met sooner?! I think we're long lost friends!
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