I have not known watermelon until this moment. I obsessed over the watermelons in my garden at Tulipwood this summer. "How do I know if they're really, truly ready?" I proclaimed across the woods, and then on twitter, and facebook, and to random family members who gave me funny looks. Twitter produced the most answers,…
The idea of homemade Nutella just thrills me. There is something so addictive about Nutella to begin with, but then when you tell me there's a healthy version I can make... sign me up!My friend Elana over at Elana's Pantry created this recipe. It has natural, whole ingredients, including unsweetened cocoa powder, protein rich nuts,…
*Update:* The winner is... Gloria.Congratulations! You're going to love this book. Send me an email to claim your loot!_______________________I met a woman named Elana not too long ago. We met in a hallway of a hotel at a conference and as soon as we met I felt like I had known her for a…