One of the perks that comes with being a chef who hunts is that I'm sometimes gifted exotic foods. For example, in the past week I was given beet and mint ice cream, a box of olive oil from someone's farm in Greece, and a bag full of oryx meat that a Texas guy had…
Here I am with another homemade holiday gift idea! On a scale of 1 to 10, how far along are you with your Christmas shopping? I have a little poll on my sidebar that you can take. I'm about 50%... it's a Christmas miracle really, since I usually am down to the wire.Here is a…
Another thing about the big garden at Tulipwood is that there were asparagus popping up all over the place this year. They just spontaneously sprouted wherever they pleased... amongst the tomato plants, with the radishes. It was like a game of Where's Waldo?... where would we come across an asparagus next? The reason for all…
I did it. I made homemade English Muffins. I can stop cooking now, my life's task is complete.The best part? The recipe uses a skillet... my best friend, my savior, my no-wash skillet. God's antidote to dirty dishes I say.They are full of nooks and crannies that would make Thomas proud.You can check out the…
Changing People's Minds: A Step by Step Guide:One particularly fine friend recently said he didn't like eggplant. So I made eggplant for dinner.When someone tells me they don't like a particular food, I don't hear them. I go conveniently deaf. Then I'm suddenly possessed by the overwhelming urge to make that particular food. Annoying? Probably...…