On Sunday I went to watch an Australian car race at the shiny new track in Austin, but that is for another day. Then I made Venison Tacos!They were tangy and full of crunchy colorful bits. I highly recommend making a big batch of this and having a taco party. If you don't have venison try…
I have not known watermelon until this moment. I obsessed over the watermelons in my garden at Tulipwood this summer. "How do I know if they're really, truly ready?" I proclaimed across the woods, and then on twitter, and facebook, and to random family members who gave me funny looks. Twitter produced the most answers,…
I get such a craving for Asian food sometimes. I’m not very good at cooking it myself, there’s something about the flavor combinations that aren’t intuitive to me while cooking, but are so delicious when put in front of me at a dinner table. In my recent piece for Tasty Kitchen, I featured one of…