I'm giving away a pretty awesome book today guys and gals.It is by the talented, formidable Aida Mollenkamp, and it just hit bookstores everywhere. It is one of the most comprehensive technique cookbooks I have seen in quite some time. And you will love it.To begin with, there are 300 juicy recipes and beautiful color…
It begins with an Amish man. Like most of my stories do.Okay fine it doesn't begin with him, it begins with a 5 pound sack of potatoes that we purchased at a run down store in a vacant town across from this abandoned house that I really want to buy and fix up but am…
I used to think of it as the strange stuff I'd see in strange gas stations on my strange cross country road trips. It was usually in stick form, a long tubular stick, wrapped in a coating of plastic, with a peculiar name like... Slim Jim, not because it made you slim, but because it…
Have you ever made sausage? Have you ever thought about making sausage?It is a fun affair.I would rather talk about sausage right now than the aftermath of the horrible loss I experienced last week. That has consisted of drama and me eating a box of truffles in preparation to open three Fedex boxes that I…
Raise your hand if you have rabbit or chicken in your freezer.Great! Let's talk.I am about to embark on a hunting spree. Elk in Wyoming, Javelina in El Paso, Pheasant in South Dakota, Partridge in England, Snowshoe Rabbit in Alaska, Squirrel in… where should I hunt squirrel? I hear they really know how to do…
In a few weeks I'll be deer hunting. Someone recently told me that squirrel is the best meat in the woods. And while I plan on testing that theory and presenting you with a squirrel recipe one of these days, until then I'm clinging on to the notion that venison is the best meat in the woods.The key…