If I was sent to that proverbial island and there was one food I could take, it would be liver mousse. I can hear your collective gasp. Most people are reviled by the stuff, but I call it God’s pudding. It’s slightly sweet and very rich and I could eat it endlessly.It serves as the…
I’m 34,000 feet in the sky again. I seem to be up here a lot. I’m hoping to have a lull again this summer before I embark on a whole new book that I’m about to write, which will require travel which means many more posts from up here. Did I tell you about the…
Say that 20 times fast.I made a soufflé. I was determined. I had a 102 degree fever and I made a souffle nonetheless. That should tell you how determined I was.So although this may seem like a strange journey with strange pictures taken by a semi-delirious girl, I can guarantee you will see a soufflé…
Tis the season for rhubarb. This is a rhubarb chutney recipe I developed while at Gramercy Tavern which we used on the spring cheese plate. You'll notice that the sweet and sour components of the rhubarb bring out different qualities in the cheeses, flavors you don't get when eating the cheese alone.“Rhubarb Chutney”