This is a recipe that I made last week while cleaning out some of the extra game meat in my freezer and I just loved it. I had several whole pheasants left over from my Adventure Getaway in Virginia this past December and I decided given this never-ending winter, it was high time to make…
It all began when I was watching the squirrels. This is what I do sometimes when I sit in a wicker chair with my breakfast and ponder life and the creek below.The squirrels were gnawing most voraciously on a yellow fruit, many of which had dropped to the ground.I was curious.So I wandered my way…
I got a little makeover around here! We're still working out a few kinks but there are a few new features that I want to point out now so you can start using them!My recipes page now has a visual recipe index as well as a way for you to search for recipes by ingredient.…
It's Day 3 of Thanksgiving Revisited! We're moving right along here. If you've been reading this blog for a while you know that I am not a fan of doing dirty dishes. I love spreading out in the kitchen and making a beautiful mess. But I have a hard time facing a big stack in…
This is day 2 of my "Thanksgiving Revisited" series... a tad late but my airplane to New York didn't have wifi, gasp, the outrage!I have a pumpkin fetish, I bought so many this year just to look at. And I like a good pumpkin dessert as much as the next girl. But I think we…
I've decided that I might be insane. For example, I drove up to Dallas last night after attending a very important pumpkin carving party where I ate ribs and chicken legs like a cave woman.I couldn't tell how fast I was going because for some reason the speedometer on my car changed to kilometers so…
These are the peppers from my garden this year. You can call me Peter Piper. Thank you.
Pickled Peppers:The truth is, that they were planted by my brother's mischievous friend Francesco. But Francesco dropped off the radar screen sometime in mid-summer when the weeds became unruly and it was time to separate the men from…
Before I share this recipe, here are all of my dove recipes for you to try!How to Clean a Dove on Video!
Dove Nuggets
Beer Battered Fried Dove Breasts
Dove and Fig Kabobs
Dove Puttach
5 Dove Recipes That Will Win Over Picky EatersI'm writing to you…
Quick! Take to the front yard. Or the back yard if you prefer.It's wild garlic season, and in another month it will be much too hard to pull up.They look vaguely like a bunch of chives, though decidedly more hearty.
There's something woody looking about them at the base. They will smell faintly like garlic…