Aren't you desperately curious to know what I did with those cherries I picked from my cherry tree with my homemade cherry picker?Well let me show you...
My arms got rather tired and I wasn't especially ambitious about getting them all that evening, since it seemed like an impossible feat. But! I had enough to make…
I made this a few months ago and failed to share it with you. How could I?From time to time I test and photograph a recipe from one of the members of Tasty Kitchen, the fabulous community recipe website of my friend Ree. Well I tested this one and it was lovely and you ought…
I have not known watermelon until this moment. I obsessed over the watermelons in my garden at Tulipwood this summer. "How do I know if they're really, truly ready?" I proclaimed across the woods, and then on twitter, and facebook, and to random family members who gave me funny looks. Twitter produced the most answers,…
The roses are in season. That sounds funny to say the roses are "in season" but I suppose everything is in season at one point or another, everyone and everything has a season, some longer than others. We have a rose arbor at Tulipwood, my great grandfather built it after he bought Tulipwood from the…
The elderflowers are blooming. This is good on many levels. For one, flowers are just a prelude to berries. And berries are just a prelude to jelly. And elderflower jelly is something that my grandmother made as a child with her mother. I'm going to make some and bring it to Grandma Pellegrini.Now that the…
I could show you this fully finished step-by-step recipe a few months from now, [scroll down, I've added the finished steps!] but what good would that be if you had to wait many months for dandelions to come back around? So instead, I'm going to give you the recipe and show you the step-by-step up…
I have a friend named Nate. The first time I heard about him, I was told he was brewing beer in his bathtub.I was intrigued.Nate also makes wine.Nate is also a scientist. This lead me to believe that wine making is over my head. But it turns out it's not really.I spent some time with…
Two days ago, I called my grandmother to ask her about her meatloaf. She has this way of making it that I've never been able to duplicate.But she didn't answer. She usually answers, or if she can't get to the phone fast enough, she always calls back.But she didn't call back this time. Maybe she…
I'm in New York this week, which was perhaps serendipitous since it's May Day, and with it, came a lesson in sweet woodruff from Grandma Pellegrini.Sweet woodruff, is also known as Master of the Woods. It is a perennial, with small white flowers that bloom in May and June and star-like leaves in circles of…