We have all heard about upcycling coffee grounds, but what about uses for used tea bags? One of my favorite ways to relax in the evening is curled up with a mug of tea, but those daily tea bags really add up! Thankfully, tea bags are just as useful outside of the mug as they are in it. Here are some of my favorite ways to put them to good use.
Uses for Used Tea Bags:
Green tea is packed with antioxidants that protect the skin from free radical damage and help with skin cell turnover. Pamper yourself with a green tea leaf exfoliator by mixing a 1:2 ratio of green tea leaves with brown sugar, along with a spoonful of honey to create a paste. You can use this to exfoliate your face or body for softer skin!
Eye Mask
When I wake up with puffy eyes from allergies or lack of sleep, tea bags are my go-to all-natural remedy. Cool your used tea bags in the fridge for an extra cooling boost and then place tea bags on each eye to allow the caffeinated tea to work its vasoconstricting magic! I like to leave them on for fifteen minutes while I relax on the couch and I instantly feel refreshed and soothed afterward.
The same way that you may add some chicken broth to cooking your rice or vegetables, a touch of flavor can be incorporated with used tea bags. Think about what flavors may complement each other, such as black or jasmine tea with rice, or chai with oatmeal.
Tea leaves can make a difference in combating strong odors as they are extremely absorbent. Dry out your used tea bags and place them wherever there is a little extra stink, such as in an open dish in your fridge or nestled into a pair of running shoes. You can even soak your feet in used tea bags for fifteen minutes to eliminate foul-smelling bacteria.
You make yourself a cup of tea to unwind, so why not relax in one too? Treat yourself to a little aromatherapy by saving up a few tea bags to throw in your evening bath. Be careful of darker teas as they may stain your bathtub! However, floral teas, like jasmine and rose, or herbal teas, like peppermint and lavender, will be divine de-stressors.