Today, it seems more and more people are finding themselves glued to their technology and an anxiety-filled lifestyle. Today we want to invite everyone to slow down a bit and reconnect with the Earth and our surroundings. This is so important when pioneering a purposeful and well-balanced life. We have previously touched on what grounding is (see it HERE), but we wanted to take the time to talk about it much more in-depth and share all the answers to your burning connections on the topic. The following will hopefully accomplish just that, and outline exactly What is Grounding and Why is it Important.
What is Grounding and Why is it Important?
The Basics
Basically, the grounding theory is that our body is supposed to have contact with the earth as much as possible (like with no shoes).
Electrons in free radical form (yuck from wifi and such) accumulate in us and direct contact with the earth balances this out with the opposite effect.
Modern lifestyle has caused a disconnect between us and our planet and the powerful healing energy it can provide us.
Okay, so this may sound a little hippie-dippie crazy at first, but hear us out. The benefits of grounding are plentiful and worth considering.
Benefits of Grounding
The benefits are endless really:
- More energy
- Better sleep
- Speeds up healing time
- Reduces inflammation
- Helps with period cramps
- Lowers stress
- Supports adrenal health
- Boost immunity
Yes, please we will take all of that.
The Way We See It
This is an easy way to relieve anxiety and connect with the earth and your surroundings. We want to take in as much stillness and nature as possible and grounding helps us do that. It also is a super empowering feeling that takes us back to the nostalgia of being kids playing in the yard. You don’t have to walk miles barefoot or do anything really crazy. Just simply take some time to go outside and connect with the earth, sans your shoes.