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“Jello Eggs”


  • Jello various flavors
  • Eggs


  • Tap a small hole in the bottom of the eggs, large enough to pour in liquid. Tap an even smaller hole into the top so you can blow out the yolk and white. Shake the egg to break up the inside. Then blow through the small hole over a bowl until all the liquid it out of each egg.
  • Give them a power wash under running water and shake all of the water out and place them back into their carton.
  • Prepare the jello according to the instructions, using slightly less water than it calls for, for a stiffer jello.
  • Drip hot wax on the smaller hole of each egg.
  • With a funnel, pour in the different colored jello into each egg, filling them just to the top. Refrigerate for several hours until the jello is firmly set.
  • Peel the egg shells gently away from the jello and serve with whipped cream.