Georgia Delivers Motivating Presentations Around the Country.
She works with Trade Associations, Resorts, Festivals, Non-Profits, and Corporations to energize their members, raise funds, and bring publicity to their organization.
The time… was life altering in a way I can’t even describe yet.
Anjuli P.
I am happy to tell you that we had a record attendance… Thank you for delivering a strong and inspirational message… Most importantly, thank you for not only being our celebrity guest speaker, but thank you for being genuine, accessible to our audience beyond the podium.
Eddie Lee Herndon
I can’t even begin to explain how much this weekend impacted me.
Dawn J.
She was phenomenal… It was the best career and personal development half hour I’ve attended… I can say hands down I never get what she brought to us that day.
Cathy N.
Your speech was so well received and inspired many. We so appreciate the support you’ve given us… and look forward to finding other ways we might work together in the future.
Millie Ward
This was one of the best experiences of my life.
Cindy K.
We enjoyed your inspirational message… your words rang clearly! It is exciting to hear of the great enthusiasm that has followed.
Missy Lewis
I had to bite my cheek so I didn’t cry.
Erin C.
The feedback from our guests has been so warm and positive. Thank you for helping us achieve our goal of creating a positive and meaningful experience from this year’s event.
Cindy Kaiser
It was amazing hearing you speak today. You are an inspiration… watching how you worked the stage and listening to how you tell stories was so so empowering! Thank you for being you and for sharing your story and gift with us today.
Candace Y.
Recent Speaking Topics Include
Sustainability/Manual Literacy
Confidence Building