I spent yesterday making wine and smoking Javelina. For those of you who don’t know what a Javelina is, it’s not a pipe. It’s an animal that looks like a desert rat… somewhere between a wild boar and a rat. Really. It’s true.
So I thought I’d show you how it all came to be.
You see, I was invited to Texas by a ranching family, and seeing as I love Texas I said, “yes, please, and thank you.” Or, “thank you, yes, and please.” Or… “Howdy, please and yes.”
And after a long drive into the middle of nowhere, I came upon a little beacon of light. A small town that might as well have been the set of a western movie. It was called Alpine and the ranch owners have a restaurant there where I ate jalapeno grits. *Burp.*
And the next morning, at far too early an hour, we got on a “Dune Buggy,” and drove through the ranch in the pitch black, up into the mountains.
It is a beautiful sight watching a ranch wake up. Just as beautiful as hearing the woods wake up.
Except that no matter what, my face is always numb by the end of the drive because of the whipping cold.
That’s when my brother promised to get me one of these for Christmas. And reminded me that I don’t have one. For the 3,532,424,234th time.
I love him.
That’s Mike. This is his ranch. He runs the show.
And he was putting on gloves because it is very prickly out there. Far more prickly than you might expect. I had two pairs of socks on and by the end the prickers had needled their way through everything to my ankles.
Aren’t I really selling this experience well? That’s what I’m here for.
That’s me, checking out the rifle situation. It was a 22-250, since you’re asking. Those were my gloves. My hands didn’t have any issues luckily.
This is an example of a prickly thing. It’s just a random plant that chooses to have an extra pricking ability.
If anyone knows the name of this plant, shout it out!
And this is where I drew the line.
Mike went out onto the edge of the cliff and looked down at the canyon.
I on the other hand, stayed a little bit higher. I have excellent eyesight thank you, and decided not to rest my fate on the stability of a single loose rock.
And it was pretty from there as the pink light cast its glow on the canyon and the sun rose higher and higher.
And then look who decided to start skipping on the loose rocks toward the edge?
Isn’t he charming?
Isn’t he?
I left him there.
We walked the long way down toward the Dune Buggy as the sun rose higher.
And I stepped around the beautiful topography with my stinging ankles.
Even the bushes had prickers.
And then we came to the Dune Buggy. This is what it looks like… kind of a triangular shape.
The seat at the top is the most windy.
I reject it.
Raise your hand if you can guess what this goat is here for.
Can you?
For the Mountain Lion. It is bait. It is a trap.
Good, I’m glad we talked about this.
Pretty naturally occurring shapes.
And cows. I love cows. Especially the white ones. I like their white eyelashes.
Oh, are we hunting Javelina?
I’m a bit of a straggler, but my legs were way shorter.
That’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it.
Do you think I got one?
Stay tuned to find out tomorrow…!
All of the good photos by Gordon Pellegrini photography.
What a beautiful place! And yes, I bet you did get one! On that very shot.
I'm very curious about how you smoked Javelina. It's hard to make it taste good. I usually put it in chilly.
Joshua W. Scott
My money is on Dasylirion texana, or some other type of sotol.
Wow, I think you're right. I just looked that plant up and apparently you can make spirits out of it! Rawk. I wish I had taken some with me.
Kristian Russell
Looks so exciting!!!! I love me some texas. How did it taste?
Wow! Wish I could be there. Can't wait to see what the results were.
Maureen M
What beautiful location all around.
I am sure you got one! !!Your look sharp and the gun looks like it is driven with purpose!
My inside sources tell me that you put down a Javelina on that very shot.
how did you know I was asking….22-250, nice……..I'm sure you got one….how did it taste?
Did you go back for your brother?
I love how the sunrise is in these desert climates.
It’s please and thank you. Or mind your P’s and Q’s.
🙂 Never quite thought of it before. It’s fun to realize something you have known all your life!
I also obviously cannot spell "known" when I type fast. Can you add an "n" to the above post?
Please, thank you!
Fixed it. But you should know by now that I'm not a good speller. I don't judge. No one else is allowed to either. Cause it's my party and I can say so if I want to.
I believe the plant with extra prickling ability is a Yucca. There are several species that are known to occur in Texas.
When I am doing field work, I like to where tall leather boots (wildland firefighter or packers) to prevent pointy things from getting in my socks. Regular hiking boots just don't cut it.
I'll just refer you to what corrie said about typing fast.
Velly intellesting. I like knowing these facts. I want more.