I’m about to embark on a hunting odyssey for my next book. Somehow I’m going to weave it in and out of my “Food Heroes” book tour this fall. Somehow.
And that’s where YOU come in.
I want to hear where you think the most exciting, interesting fulfilling, delicious hunts are. Ones you would love to read about. Ones you’ve heard about. Ones you’ve been on. Recipes you’d love to eat.
Is it Reindeer in Alaska?
Javalina in Arizona?
Elk in Wyoming?
Boar in Italy?
Partridge in England?
Leave me a note in the comments and give me all the opinions you can muster. Don’t hold back one single bit.
Who knows… this may mean we’ll meet one of these days over a plate of roasted dove.
See you soon!
It would be cool to hunt exotic species that need to be rid from the environment they have invaded. What comes to mind most for me is feral hogs in Texas. Maybe you could work with Ted Nugent? Only kidding…
How about Elk in Kentucky? http://fw.ky.gov/elkfaq08.asp?lid=2070&navpat…
What about hunting bighorn sheep in Oregon with one of the once-in-a-lifetime tags offered each year? Could be for the Rocky Mountain variety in the rugged Eagle Cap Wilderness of northeast Oregon, or pursuing the smaller California Bighorn variety found in the escarpments and huge bluffs of the desert found in the southeast part of the state. Nothing like a quality sheep hunt, and nothing like knowing it's the only tag of its kind you'll ever have in the state!
Audwin Mcgee
Well if you want to try a lot of different types of good red meat along with an exotic backdrop, great people that make you feel at home, come to Africa. If your interested I can arrange. Audwin Mcgee http://www.apmcgee.com
Idaho has some pretty fantastic hunting. Moose and Big Horn if you're lucky enough to get a tag (they're lottery). Pheasant galore and chukar in the Boise area. Alaska of course would probably be the best. I've seen some amazing caribou come from AK.
Rio Grande Turkey in Oklahoma (but then again I'm partial to Oklahoma), feral hogs anywhere. Shoot them with a bow for a real challenge, rifle or shotgun will get your heart pumping though. And a little duck shooting in Louisiana with the Duck Commander boys would be a real treat!
Some of the best tasting game I have ever had was Elk. But a trip across the pond to hunt could be exciting. I would go as a gun bearer. 🙂
Well if you want to try a lot of different types of fantastic red meat along with an exotic backdrop combined with great people, come to Africa. If your interested I can arrange.
It would be hard to top hunting for caribou in Alaska. That is one of my dream hunts. Got to have some caribou brought back from Canada, and it is a truly wonderful meat.
These are GREAT suggestions! Keep 'em coming!
I live in Florida, so the hunts don't exactly qualify as exciting. But boy, are they tasty! There are the basics like venison, turkey and quail. But my absolute favorite is dove hunting! It's so fun and exciting!! Oh, duck hunting on the lake is always amazing too.
PS – I LOVE your blog. It's incredible to hear about another young woman who hunts, I'm usually the weird loner in a group. 🙂
Duck hunting in Northern California — You're just miles from the epicenter of the Pacific Flyway in the Sacramento/Central Valley with a rich duck hunting heritage and culture just below the mainstream if you look for it.
Hey Georgia, nice meeting you at Hank's b'day party the other night. Sorry if my conversation was limited… can't hear real well in noisy backgrounds. Important note… wear ear protection when shooting ALWAYS.
Anyway, I love the exotic hunts as much as anyone (or at least love dreaming about them), but I think there's a lot to be said for hunting US regional specialties. What do the locals hunt and eat? Sporting Days mentioned NorCal ducks, and to that I might add blacktail deer. Rocky Mountain elk is a big one, along with Wyoming antelope. Whitetails are de rigeur, I suppose, and there are a host of places to chase them. And then maybe Texas for hogs, or NC for the real, wild eurasian boar. Georgia for bobwhites. Arizona for Coues deer and if you can do a consistently tasty meal from a javelina, I'd love to hear about it. And of course we can't forget bushy-tails and cotton tails. The possibilities get exhausting, huh? But you asked for it.
Anyway, enjoying the blog. Definitely a different voice than most of the hook-n-bullet sites.
Oh lovely… the logistics of planning this are quite overwhelming, but I really appreciate these ideas. I'm going to have to just start randomly picking things out of a hat and just go for it.
Lisa S.
As a cook whose hubby hunts, I do have some input w/ what he hunts. In Wyoming, there are antelope that graze in hay fields with herds of cattle. Lemme tell you, they do NOT taste like sagebrush. Yum, yum. I guess it depends on whether you want a trophy or really fine meat. Cow elk is fabulous too.
We laughed about adding a room to our small house if hubster took a bull elk. The mount would indeed require a room of it's own!
Hi Lisa, I just got my Wyoming license in the mail yesterday… I'm going hunting for cow elk in November! I'm very excited.
Georgia, my wife and I live in New Jersey. I had always wanted to visit Alaska. As a birthday present she arranged a special once in a life time trip for us both to Alaska. She doesn't hunt but she does fish and she found a lodge that provides both. The chance to catch salmon, char, trout and hunt for ptarmigan in the wilderness of the alaskan pennsulia was beyond description. The lodging is wonderful, the food is great and the hosts are the best. Oh yeah, it was so good, so far it has become three times in a lifetime:). Best of all each trip we brought home two 40 pounds boxes of salmon and ptarmigan. It seems the perfect trip for you to fish and hunt with your beautiful new gun, enjoy great company, incredible scenery and upon your return home practice your culinary skills on bounty that you return home with. Disclaimer: I have no finicial ties to the lodge, but if you are interested check them out at http://www.wildmanlodge.com/ Good hunting! Love your site.
Thank you Ernie! I love this recommendation. If you're in New Jersey, I hope you'll stop into one of my book events in the New York area and say hi! Cheers.
Hi Georgia
Minnesota has a lot to offer when it comes to hunting and fishing. I grew up in west central Minnesota and nothing compares to a crisp October morning with the leaves ablaze against a clear blue sky following a good bird dog. I have hunted for 40 years and still find it breath taking when a rooster pheasant blows up in front of you even when you now its going to happen. Also the waterfowl season offers excellent shooting and the deer hunting is fantastic. By the way all seasons over lap if one is interested in doing all three.
This imagery really made me want to visit Minnesota… I think I'll do it. Thanks Bruce : )
Oh, I would go with the boar hunting in Italy. Talk about tradition. That alone makes me want to do it.
For the longest time my dad and I have wanted to hunt in Alaska, but don't have the means. I think you should do that so I can live vicariously through you!
Elk should be on your list of animals to hunt, and I'd do it with a bow. Whatever you choose, it will be great and I will enjoy reading about it. 😀
Karl Lee Johnson
This was an awesome and helpful article.Thank you very much to everyone who contributed their advice and knowladge.