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How to Tie a Versatile and Strong Knot for Many Uses

This week we are talking all things survival skills. We’ll be breaking down some handy how-tos you need to know. Skill is what will save your life in a survival situation, and often times it is the simplest of skills that you have, which will be the most useful. Yesterday, we covered just How to Read a Compass and today we are taking it a step further and talking about tying knots. When you know How to Tie a Versatile and Strong Knot for Many Uses, your skills are elevated to a whole new level.

How to Tie a Versatile and Strong Knot for Many Uses:

How to Tie a Versatile and Strong Knot for Many Uses

When it comes to essential knots one you have got to know is the bowline knot. It has many uses for wilderness survival, rescue, and maritime applications.

The strength of this knot is unparalleled.

The bowline is used to create a fixed loop at the end of a rope or line.

A fixed loop will not increase or decrease in size with tension or slack applied to the line.

How to Tie a Versatile and Strong Knot for Many Uses

How to Tie a Versatile and Strong Knot for Many Uses

A bowline is a great go-to knot because it won’t tighten or loosen on its own.

Here is how to make one:

Step 1: Make a small loop and bring the end up through it from behind.

Step 2: Take the end around the main rope and bring it back to the top, then back down through the loop.

Step 3: Pull the end and main rope to tighten.

Have a go-to knot of your own? Share with me in the comments, on my secret Facebook group, or on social media using #WildFood.

Want some more survival how-tos? Check out HERE.

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