Growing herbs indoors can be a tricky thing, especially when you live in a dry climate or are in the dead of winter.
Having fresh herbs on hand really can make a simple dish magical, and when you master the art of keeping them moist, they are easy to have on a windowsill in the kitchen, within arms reach of your latest meal.
In episode #3, I show you fun ways to “upcycle” your used tins and have a mobile herb garden that will survive inside. As always, feel free to leave your questions and comments below!
PLEASE NOTE: To watch a crisp, clean HD version of this video, press play, then click on the wheel icon on the lower right and select 720HD.
James Elsing
The herb growing indoors video is nice with good information. However that background noise is God-awful obnoxious. Disastrous. First the selection of melody; cheesy. . Second it is so loud as to sometimes make it difficult to understand what you are saying. How about something smooth and relaxing, maybe an acoustic guitar, at an appropriate volume for background music, not overpowering your speaking. Thanks.
Wow James! What did you think of the sound quality? We are working on the sound issues and it will get better with time. If you turn down your computer volume that will help.
Good video but I did like the first two videos better. Maybe try a different room that is acoustically better because part of what the problem is now is you sound like you are in a closet. You are all about outdoors so maybe try one outdoors? Maybe some grilled venison fajitas or grilled BBQ rabbit?
Christine K
Georgia, I’m a big fan and I realize that I might be the only here who ask if it’s possible for you to bring back the step by step in print?
I live in Southeast Asia and in my place the video view is not good because of internet speed problem.
I used to print out all your recipes and put them in binders.
Thanks for all the hardworks, Christine
Hi Christine, I’ll do my best to mix things up so we still have the step-by-step available. If you scroll down below the recipe videos, there will always be a printable recipe option with a photo so you can definitely still print that out. Thanks for reading and as always we love to hear your suggestions to make this site more useful for you!
Great post! I bookmarked your site so I can have a look around when I have more time 🙂
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