Good news! I found the one square mile of the country this past weekend where it was still snowing. Somewhere near Longview, Oregon, though I can’t be sure because it was 5:30am. And I had only slept 4 hours.
It was right around this time that I asked myself, “Are you sane Georgia?” And since by asking this question I was in fact talking to myself, I decided that I was at best borderline.
But these are the things a girl’s gotta do to get back to nature sometimes. Actually 99% of the time. Hunting and fishing start early. Always. I’ve never seen it start at 11:30am after a leisurely brunch of poached eggs and salmon. Alas, it’s always 5:30am after a semi-green banana and strange coffee.
These are the moments when I ask myself WHYYY?
It was near freezing temperatures on the drive to the river, when the snow started coming down. And I thought, there’s no way anyone else will be out.
And that’s when I decided that I was a sissy.
There they were with their matching autos, boats already in the river when we arrived. Fish already in the hole.
And so I flexed. Really really hard. And got my butt on the boat.
Yea, we’ll talk about this outfit tomorrow…
The outfit looks like classic Spring/Fall salmon fishing attire if I've ever seen it, and for better or worse I have. Hopefully they were biting!