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Hanging with Georgia – Marla Meridith Guest Post

I am so crazy excited to have a great friend and one of my favorite bloggers in the world visit here today and share some of her incredible food with you. She is the one and only Marla Meridith from Family Fresh Cooking. Her recipes are not only delicious but really good for you. She has an amazing ability to coax whole ingredients into something tasty and guilt free. And her food photography makes me salivate every time.

Take it away Marla!


Family Fresh Cooking photos from Telluride, CO

Can I tell you how happy I am to be guest posting here at Georgia’s blog? Thanks so much for inviting me Miss. G. I might already be acquainted with some of you. If this is our first meeting *shake hands* Glad to meet you. I am sharing recipes from my lil’ blog Family Fresh Cooking. Georgia is busy eating lots of good food in NYC as she judges Iron Chef America. Is that cool or what?!

A few things you need to know before we talk about food…

~ I love the outdoors.
~ I do not hunt, gather, grow or harvest my own food. I would like to though.
~ I cook a lot, take pictures of food and blog about it. Obsessively.
~ I feed myself and my family whole food ingredients.
~ I am a type A, petite mom of two who cannot sit still. This is both good and ridiculous at the same time.
~ I travel as often as possible to make new friends, eat great food, ski & play.
~ I like LOVE to play and be HAPPY. Guest posting here at Georgia’s makes me very *happy* So do the mountains.
~ I drink obsessive amounts of coffee. Which might make help contribute to the “can’t sit still” thing.

Family Fresh Cooking fresh blueberries and layer cake

In case you are wondering that is my Gluten Free Very Blueberry Layer Cake. It is very tasty.

When Georgia releases her new book in the fall I told her that I want to go on a hunting trip with her. In heels. She told me she’ll teach me how to capture a wild boar. Game on. I will wear my running shoes for that. For dinner I will wear the heels. Or my cowboy boots. G & I apparently have a thing for boots. We both like plaid shirts too. That is me & my boot by the way. *hi*

Marla Meridith in Telluride CO

Georgia and I have been friends online for some time now. We were roomies at BlogHer Food and we are both from NY. I know she lives a really cool life. Not only does she travel tons, blog, hunt, butcher and cook up the most amazing food………
She looks gorgeous while doing it. Georgia you are my Food Hero, okay?

Marla Meridith Guest Post on Georgia Pellegrini Blog

We always talk about hanging out, going on some awesome trip and cooking together. She will teach me pioneer cooking skills. Here are some recipes we can make together. We would source all local ingredients from her food artisan pals. Georgia would hunt and fish for all the meat and fish. I will cook, eat and blog about it.

For breakfast we would have Maple Bacon Sizzle Potatoes. With artisan bacon, fresh eggs and heirloom potatoes.

Healthy skillet potato recipe for the home chef.

Cherry Chocolate Ricotta Grilled Pizzas have become a favorite breakfast, dessert and mini meal for us. They would provide lots of energy for long days of foraging.
Whole wheat dessert pizza recipe with fresh cherries & dark chocolate.

Check out this Copper River Salmon with Basil Aioli. That would be great for lunch or dinner. It would also require a trip to Alaska to go fishing. How fun would that be?!

Grilled salmon with fresh basil aioli sauce on Family Fresh Cooking
An organic bird would taste mighty fine in this Grilled Chicken Salad with Camembert Cheese and Strawberry Vinaigrette.
Summer Chicken salad with strawberry vinaigrette
I love bison too. I just don’t have any great photos of it. I have a recipe for Bison Bacon Burgers that we love. How about a photo of Bison Chili instead?
Marla Meridith healthy chili recipe

Of course we love veggies too and can’t get enough of those. We are grilling up a lot of these Balsamic Vegetables these days.

Grilled vegetables on blue & white china

For dessert or snacks we could have Peanut Butter Pumpkin Coffee Cake. It would be mighty tasty after a day of hunting. *sigh*

Coffee cake with peanuts and pumpkin for breakfast and snacks.
Let’s end on one more sweet note, because sweets are fun! Except the sweets I share on my blog are actually really good for you too. These Carrot Cupcakes are delish.

Let’s stay in touch! You can also find me on Twitter @MarlaMeridith, Facebook, StumbleUpon and my latest addiction Instagram @MarlaMeridith


  • Kiran @
    Posted July 15, 2011 at 11:18 am

    Two of my favorite bloggers – a nice combo! As usual, love your post Marla πŸ™‚ and I love that tomato water recipe Georgia featured on Ree’s blog. Amazing recipe for summer.

  • Amanda
    Posted July 15, 2011 at 12:34 pm

    Love Marla and love her site and love seeing her here. πŸ™‚

  • Marla
    Posted July 15, 2011 at 1:06 pm

    Yay!! So happy to be here πŸ™‚ Thanks again for having me.
    Now we just need to make a date to hang out for reals. K?! xxoo

  • Shelby
    Posted July 18, 2011 at 3:05 am

    What a great post and all the food looks wonderful!

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