I spent hours weeding yesterday. I think it was approximately 400 degrees out. There were four of us weeding my great-aunt's former vegetable garden at Tulipwood that I ambitiously thought we should "plant" this year. All of it. I don't think anyone has ever successfully completed the task of taming all of that garden. It…
I have a thing for purslane. I think I inherited it from my grandmother. She is just obsessed with it. Whenever I visit she says, "have you seen any purslane in the garden?" It is such an intriguing plant, purslane. For one, it is everywhere, in many countries, from the sidewalk cracks in the cities, to…

The idea of homemade Nutella just thrills me. There is something so addictive about Nutella to begin with, but then when you tell me there's a healthy version I can make... sign me up!My friend Elana over at Elana's Pantry created this recipe. It has natural, whole ingredients, including unsweetened cocoa powder, protein rich nuts,…