It begins with an Amish man. Like most of my stories do.Okay fine it doesn't begin with him, it begins with a 5 pound sack of potatoes that we purchased at a run down store in a vacant town across from this abandoned house that I really want to buy and fix up but am…

I stumbled upon a new beer bar in Mill Valley a few weeks ago, with sawn lumber for tables and a sea of beer and nothing to eat but German pretzels, rolled out, and twisted, and baked to order. I tried a pretzel and what struck me most was not the pretzel (though it was…

Welcome to the final installment of my three part dinner series...After a full day of hunting on the ranch, and a full day of cooking by Paul, we finally got to eat the fruits of our labor. The ranch has a very beautiful interior, with lovely wood paneling and a cozy lodge atmosphere. The fireplace was…