Thad is back with another delicious wild game recipe! ...It is the time of year where you can combine a fresh harvest from the field with fresh harvest from the garden for a wonderful dinner. Mourning doves, cucumbers, tomatoes, onion and basil are all at their peak in my part of the country -- Minnesota.…
September marks the beginning of hunting season, and with it some of my favorite protein in the sky: dove. Most people haven't tried dove before either because they don't know any hunters or because they think they don't like the taste of wild game. But we want to change that! Below are 5 tasty dove…
When I was in Arkansas in early September I spent a lot of time with a lot of boys. Luckily I had ONE girl who came with me, my friend Molly, and we were girly together in the soy fields and I taught her how to hunt and it was her very first experience and…
Raise your hand if you've been dove hunting this fall.
I have been and I've been eating lots 'o dove. I think the doves know it because the other day I came home to put this recipe in the oven and I looked out my glass door onto the deck and a dove had run…
My favorite part about the opening of hunting season is that I get to begin experimenting with new wild game recipes. But sometimes the best ideas and inspiration come at unexpected moments. (Check out all of my dove recipes here or scroll to the bottom for a list.)
While in Arkansas on a recent dove hunting…
Before I share this recipe, here are all of my dove recipes for you to try!
How to Clean a Dove on Video!
Dove Nuggets
Beer Battered Fried Dove Breasts
Dove and Fig Kabobs
Dove Puttach
5 Dove Recipes That Will Win Over Picky Eaters
I'm writing to you…
I spent Labor Day weekend cruising the cotton fields of the Arkansas Delta. By the end of it, there were more doves than any one person could consume.
This lead me to invent all kinds of recipes to keep it interesting, as well as churn out some classic recipes from the Italians in the region –…
But first you have to shoot it. Just after sunrise.
Preferably over a cotton field.
Near sunflowers. Dead ones. Doves love dead sunflowers. I do too. I also love dead dove. It tastes like liver, the pudding of the gods.
You can read about dead sunflowers in the last chapter of Food Heroes. I love them. More than…
One of the things I've liked most about this book tour, are the in between moments. The things I've done on the way to the book events.
The night before the delta dove hunt is one of my favorite nights of the year. It is full of food, and laughter, and guitar blues, and whiskey, and…