I first met Catherine McCord this passed April at the Roosevelt Hotel in Los Angeles. I was holed up waiting to tape Jimmy Kimmel Live and trying not to be very social until it was all over. But for some reason I decided that Catherine McCord would be the right person to see during my…
Right now, I'm on a mini road trip from Little Rock, Arkansas to Austin, Texas. Don't worry, I'm not the one driving as I write this. I've been traveling as much as ever, without a kitchen most days, save for the times when friends and family let me take over theirs. As many people witnessed,…
I have a pretty nutty week ahead. In the span of four hours I'm going to be transported from rural Arkansas where I have been hiding out and have had to take desperate measures for an internet connection....to the meatpacking district of New York City where the internet and just about everything else is fast.…
I love eating wild foods which you can probably tell by now.Also, fried dough is delicious.So is amaretto.I had read about elderflower fritters in the process of making elderflower syrup and I just had to know more.Edible earthy tasting flowers, amaretto flavored batter, powdered sugar... let's go!It begins with flour, lemon zest, 2 eggs, vanilla,…
The idea of homemade Nutella just thrills me. There is something so addictive about Nutella to begin with, but then when you tell me there's a healthy version I can make... sign me up!My friend Elana over at Elana's Pantry created this recipe. It has natural, whole ingredients, including unsweetened cocoa powder, protein rich nuts,…
I'm so delighted to introduce one of my favorite food bloggers Amy Johnson. She has got a fabulous blog called "She Wears Many Hats" and is about to embark on a new journey as a beekeeper! I can't wait to see all of the honey this Fall and all of the recipes she conjures up.…
A few weeks ago I went on a strawberry binge. I was intent on making a strawberry rhubarb pie and my strawberry estimating skills turned out to be terrible, and thus I was left with more strawberries than one pie could hold. So I proceeded to make approximately 1.6 trillion recipes from strawberries. There was…
I have a mold. I don't know where it came from. It just appeared one day. It's always in the way, it doesn't fit anywhere nicely. It was suggested at one point that we throw it out, but it wouldn't go. So today I finally used it, in honor of our Christmas party this evening.I…
I am always so impressed with people who produce oceans of Christmas cookies of various kinds and dole them out in charming tins. The woman who took care of me growing up has about twenty or so kinds of cookes that she makes every year. She doesn't break a sweat. They are all very different…